If you have a complaint about the service that I have provided to you please send me details in writing setting out why you are making the complaint and saying what redress if any you would like.
Please email this to me at swalkermediation.com.
I will respond within 5 working days. If I am on annual leave without access to the internet I shall respond within 5 working days of my return.
If you are not happy with my response and wish to take the complaint further, please let me know in writing why you remain unhappy. If on further consideration I am unable to satisfy you I will refer your complaint to the ADR Group who will ask one of their staff or panel members to review your complaint and my response. I will do this within 5 working days.
I will promptly send their conclusion to you.
If you remain unhappy, I will invite you to refer the matter to the Civil Mediation Council.